Catalogue Osawa 2021

The new Catalogue Osawa is available for consultation and download here
“ We are very pleased to bring to the market this new edition of the Osawa Catalogue, as a proof of our commitment to provide our customers with highly reliable and innovative drilling and milling solutions”
states Alessandro Sorgato, General manager, Solid Tools at Sorma.
“With this edition we wanted to offer to our customers new tools enabling them to improve significantly cycle time and performances, such as the UHF-RT end mills for high feed milling, but we decided to improve also the consultation of the catalogue so the format of parameters for all tools has been revised and simplified.”
The new catalogue features the new 372HSD Step Drills, designed for drilling and chamfering application before tapping on ISO P, ISO M, and ISO S materials and available in size from M4 to M12.
Among the long drill series, both HL and SUH Mini are available in this edition of the catalogue with shorter coating portion to improve chip ejection and with updated cutting parameters to allow even higher reliability in deep drilling process.
For any additional information on the Osawa catalogue or technical information, contact our staff at